Sounds Like Ashcraft / Professional Voiceovers
Among the things I voice are medical device, procedure and therapies training programs for a nationally known international healthcare corporation. I like doing things that are helpful. And it’s cool to learn about things like CryoAblation catheters, sacral neuromodulation and how to treat severe spasticity of spinal or cerebral origin. Things that really, believe it or not, hardly ever come up in cocktail party conversation and yet, they come as a great relief to a decent segment of the population. Read More...
Arguably a sacrilege, the voice you hear coming out of the rafters at a conference, convention, or trade show telling you to take your seat, turn off your cell phone and put any trash in the center aisle for pick-up is known in the business as “VOG,” the “Voice of god.” That said, my swell agent, MultiVoice in Hilversum, (35km SE of Amsterdam), booked me to VOG a portion of “The Flying Dutch,” the big EDM festival in the Netherlands, Read More...