Sounds Like AshcraftAnimated VoicesA Picture Worth 1000 Words

A Picture Worth 1000 Words

While I do love doing good commercial work, this project is one of those where I get to use my talents for a greater good than straight-up capitalism and I’m very proud to share it.

The video presents and explains a new therapy method helping hospitalized kids recover more swiftly and feel more “normal” during their hospital stay.

It’s the Interactive Theater at the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital:

It’s me you hear about :26 seconds in saying, “Once there was a fox who loved to dig holes….”, one of the stories I read for the project.

The interactive display provides a motivational opportunity to get hospitalized kids up and moving. As the Childlife Specialist put it, these kids are, “healing without really realizing they’re healing.”

It’s a therapy adaptable for all ages and abilities, but to me, a child in a wheel chair flying like a bird is one of those pictures worth a 1000 words.

About Michael Ashcraft

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